The Race, Research & Policy Portal (RRAPP) is a free online collection of easy-to-read research summaries. It features the latest articles on diversity, racial equity, and organizational change across sectors. Each summary focuses on antiracist solutions, listing clear takeaways in a short format.

  • Goal one

    Create a central repository for research and publications related to antiracist policy.

  • Goal two

    Foster an accessible, cross-sector, and constructive dialogue on effective antiracist interventions.

  • Goal three

    Help changemakers make informed, strategic decisions in their organizations' antiracist transformations.

Recently Added Articles

Preventing Chronic Disease

Leading Change at Berkeley Public Health: Building the Anti-racist Community for Justice and Social Transformative Change


Introduction The University of California, Berkeley, School of Public Health (BPH) is leading an effort to embed antiracist principles into its institutional framework. Through the Anti-Racist Community for Justice and Social Transformative Change (ARC4JSTC) initiative, BPH is addressing systemic racism as both a public health and academic crisis. This article describes how the initiative redefines…

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MIT Sloan Management Review

How a Values-Based Approach Advances DEI


Introduction Many business leaders understand that diversity, equity, and inclusion are essential for their organizations. Yet, some DEI efforts fall short of their desired results. While well-intentioned, these efforts can be limited in scope, lack clear direction, and need more integration into an organization’s culture. This disconnect can leave leaders weary and uncertain while their…

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Journal of Diversity in Higher Education

Faculty of Color in Academe: What 20 Years of Literature Tells Us


 A survey of two decades of literature exploring faculty of color’s experience in academia. Introduction Academic institutions endeavor to increase diversity within their faculty as they attempt to better meet the needs of increasingly diverse student populations entering an increasingly diverse world. Still, in 2005, people of color comprised only 17% of full-time faculty. Of…

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Health Affairs

Legislating Inequity: Structural Racism In Groups Of State Laws And Associations With Premature Mortality Rates


Introduction This study seeks to evaluate whether policies and laws that were classified as either protective or harmful are associated with premature mortality rates. In essence, the analysis is a new method for measuring structural racism and estimating the joint effects of multiple laws on racial health equity. In the study, laws are deemed as…

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How To Guides

By developing “How To” guides, RRAPP has grouped together a set of articles to address a specific thematic area. These guides are meant to be focused on a singular yet multifaceted issue and to provide an entry point for further exploration of the topic.

The Proven Impact of Affinity Spaces

This article provides an overview of research on affinity groups, explaining what they are, how they form, and what research says about them.

Implicit bias training, explained

In recent decades, companies big and small have sought out implicit bias training for their employees as a vehicle to tackle discrimination and bolster equity in the workplace. What is implicit bias? And what difference can training make?

I’m starting a DEI initiative…now what?

Launching a racial equity or DEI initiative can be challenging, laborious, and at times, overwhelming. A good first step is to learn from others. This body of research highlights successes of existing initiatives, pointing out what works in early stages of implementation as well as what challenges might emerge in the months that follow.

Evaluating diversity programs for effectiveness

Too often for people of color, the field of evaluation does more harm than good. Historically and today, data has been sourced using oppressive methods that are not only exploitative of communities and staff of color — but are often used to support racist policies. This list provides resources for integrating equity into evaluation approaches of policies and programs, and learning from existing evaluation frameworks of diversity initiatives.

What not to do, what we know doesn’t work

Research on racial equity and antiracist institutional practice is emerging and continues to help inform the field. What conclusions can be drawn about what are effective or ineffective approaches?

Four ways to decolonize and build antiracist universities

This article presents four strategies found to be effective in the field of research on educational equity. While this list is not exhaustive, it provides an overview of key issues and strategies gleaned from articles in the Race, Research, and Policy Portal (RRAPP).

Search Articles by Topic

Institutional Change and Accountability

Research related to structural and organizational change within institutions and how and what accountability can be implemented in specific settings.

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Intersectional Analysis

Research related to the intersection of racial equity with other marginalized identity groups.

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Media, Communications, and Technology

Research related to racial equity and intersections in media, journalism, the digital landscape, and other forms of communication.

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Organizational and Individual Health, Behavior, and Psychology

Research related to health, psychology, and other social and societal factors as they relate to well-being and racial equity.

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Training & Evaluation

Research related to racial equity training programs, workshops, and evaluation, in addition to measurement of training programs and of other racial equity interventions.

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