Long-term reduction implicit race bias: A prejudice habit-breaking intervention
Introduction “Implicit bias is like the smog that hangs over a community,” Hidden Brain podcast host Shankar Vedantam said on an episode about implicit racial bias. “It becomes the air people breathe.” Indeed, like air, implicit racial bias and discrimination is everywhere, and has been linked to poorer health and success outcomes for historically marginalized groups. To…
Read MorePrejudice Reduction: What Works? A Review and Assessment of Research and Practice
Introduction In psychological research, prejudice and discrimination dominate as key areas of research. This should come as no surprise considering the sheer amount of resources spent by policymakers and educators alike to reduce prejudice. Since the first attempts to measure prejudice in the mid-1920s, social scientists have tried to understand the nature and origins of…
Read MoreReducing Implicit Racial Preferences: II. Intervention Effectiveness Across Time
Introduction Recent research on implicit social cognition suggests that implicit associations may be malleable to change. However, the majority of studies on modifying implicit associations only evaluate short term results, with only 3.7% of these 585 studies attempting to look at longer-term change. Of these 22 studies, roughly the same number of publications showed lasting…
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