
Business/Private Sector

Harvard Kennedy School Faculty Research Working Paper Series

Asymmetric Peer Effects at Work: The Effect of White Coworkers on Black Women’s Careers

Understanding the negative peer effects of white coworkers on Black women. Introduction Studies aiming to understand the under-representation of people of color in high-earning positions typically focus on factors existing before hiring, like biases in the hiring process or pipeline problems. This paper highlights that while hiring is essential to increase diversity, promotion and retention…

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Revista de Turismo Contemporâneo / Journal of Contemporary Tourism

Afroempreendedorismo no turismo, desigualdade racial e fortalecimento da identidade negra / Afro-entrepreneurship in tourism, racial inequality and strengthening of Black identity

Introduction Afro-entrepreneurship is a growing field of practice and focus of research. Yet, researchers themselves vary on their perspectives of this term, and its related meaning to Black-owned companies or Black entrepreneurship. Dr. Natália Araújo de Oliveira, the author of the article, frames the discussion of these topics around the business engagement in Brazil with…

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Public Personnel Management

Is Diversity Management Sufficient? Organizational Inclusion to Further Performance

Introduction In recent years, public organizations in the United States have increasingly recognized the importance of hiring a diverse workforce that reflects the demographics of the country. Along with this trend, these organizations have also focused  on diversity management policies, which include flexible work options, mentoring for individuals from underrepresented populations, and regulations that promote…

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Human Resource Management

Beyond Diversity Training: A Social Infusion for Cultural Inclusion

Introduction Chavez and Weisinger introduce an alternative approach to traditional diversity programs and aim to stimulate new interventions among human resources scholars and practitioners. Their study responds to extant academic literature highlighting the shortcomings and failures of traditional diversity programs, which are widely and consistently implemented across the vast majority of large American companies. Despite…

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Journal of Organizational Behavior

Implementation teams: A new lever for organizational change

Introduction Higgins, Weiner, and Young define a specific organizational body they refer to as an “implementation team.” This team is charged with designing and leading an organization-wide change strategy. Implementation teams are critical for all organizations aiming to achieve full-scale strategic changes. They are most beneficial in organizational contexts where change is frequently stymied, decisions…

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Journal of Personality and Social Psychology

The Business Case for Diversity Backfires: Detrimental Effects of Organizations’ Instrumental Diversity Rhetoric for Underrepresented Group Members’ Sense of Belonging

Introduction As organizations become more aware of the importance of diversity as a tool to attract and retain employees, more of them are actively choosing to communicate why they celebrate diversity. Companies frequently express their commitment to diversity by outlining the reasons why diversity is important through their organizational diversity cases. There are two general…

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Center for Employment Equity

Is Tech Sector Diversity Improving?

Introduction The study explores disparate diversity trends in the American Tech industry. While the industry boasts some of the highest paying salaries across the country’s economic sectors, the highest paying occupations are not equally distributed across demographic attributes. When isolating gender and ethnicity, analyses show disparate employment trends in executive, managerial, and professional levels in…

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MIT Sloan Management Review

Fighting Backlash to Racial Equity Efforts: Understanding the Real Reasons Why Diversity Initiatives Provoke Opposition Can Help You Lead Employees Through Cultural Transformation

Introduction A byproduct of the global viewing of the ruthless killing of George Floyd by police officer Derek Chauvin was the proliferation of new racial equity/anti-racism statements, plans, and initiatives by businesses and organizations. Witnessing the public recording of police brutality/police violence forced many individuals and corporations to confront the fact that systemic racism exists…

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Journal of Management & Governance

Board Diversity and Organizational Valuation: Unravelling the Effects of Ethnicity and Gender

Introduction A board of directors is a crucial aspect of an organization’s leadership. Members are instrumental in shaping a company’s mission, goals, and financial success. Historically in Western culture, seats on boards of directors have been largely homogeneously dominated by those who have held political and economic power in those societies – white men.  This…

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Journal of Business and Psychology

Establishing a Diversity Program is Not Enough: Exploring the Determinants of Diversity Climate

INTRODUCTION Since 2020 we have seen more employers establish diversity programs to promote values of diversity within an organization. Yet, few have acknowledged existing research that has challenged the implementation and efficacy of diversity programs at the managerial and staff levels.  This summary examines this earlier research by focusing on one study to show that…

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