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The objective of this portal is to curate, evaluate, and summarize existing research and publications in areas of organizational policy and practice as they relate to racism, racial equity, and antiracism.

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Journal of Diversity in Higher Education

Doing Race in Different Places: Black Racial Cohesion on Black and White College Campuses

Introduction This study focuses on the Black student experience at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) compared to Predominantly White Institutions (PWIs) with an emphasis on feelings of racial cohesion and/or dissonance with one’s racial community. For the purposes of this paper, racial cohesion refers to how one’s racial identity affects one’s desire to engage,…

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Harvard Kennedy School Faculty Research Working Paper Series

Asymmetric Peer Effects at Work: The Effect of White Coworkers on Black Women’s Careers

Understanding the negative peer effects of white coworkers on Black women. Introduction Studies aiming to understand the under-representation of people of color in high-earning positions typically focus on factors existing before hiring, like biases in the hiring process or pipeline problems. This paper highlights that while hiring is essential to increase diversity, promotion and retention…

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The International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

Understanding Healthcare Students’ Experiences of Racial Bias: A Narrative Review of the Role of Implicit Bias and Potential Interventions in Educational Settings

An overview of implicit racial bias in medical education. Introduction The field of research studying implicit racial bias in the healthcare and medical sectors is continuing to grow. While there is significant research examining implicit bias among healthcare professionals, the field has yet to produce many studies focusing on the specific effects on medical students…

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Journal of Deliberative Democracy

Affinity Groups, Enclave Deliberation, and Equity

Introduction This study is about the usefulness of enclaves or affinity groups, in public forums and political processes. Specifically, the authors focus on the value of enclaves of people with “similarly marginalized perspectives or social locations” as opposed to shared racial or ethnic identities. While the authors acknowledge these categorizations can often overlap, they believe…

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Health Affairs

Racism, Power, And Health Equity: The Case Of Tenant Organizing

Introduction Despite the significant role that power asymmetries play in driving health inequities, there is a dearth of research on the intersection of power, racism, and health equity. In this article, Michener argues that housing is a driver of racial health inequity and that tenants play a significant and overlooked role in combating health-threatening housing…

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Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction

The Potential of Diverse Youth as Stakeholders in Identifying and Mitigating Algorithmic Bias for a Future of Fairer AI

Introduction With trends revealing the general populace’s growing use of Artificial Intelligence (AI), it is becoming more evident that we, as a society, are becoming dependent on AI.   Given the increased use of AI, it is important to note that AI technologies also possess inherent social and cultural biases that reflect and perpetuate existing…

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Whiteness and Education

Can antiracism training improve outgroup liking and allyship behaviors?

Introduction Scholars note that allies play a significant role in undermining and dismantling systemic barriers, with research showing that effective allyship can lead to significant reductions in racial bias. The authors purport that allyship requires a commitment to social justice, the establishment of genuine relationships with those from other identity groups, and a dedication to…

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Frontiers in Sociology

A Call for Culturally Responsive Transformational Leadership in College Sport: An Anti-Ism Approach for Achieving Equity and Inclusion

As college sports associations like the NCAA reckon with decades of white male dominance, scholars analyze literature in gender, race, and sports leadership to imagine a path forward.  Introduction Pervasive issues of inequities, inequalities, and discrimination have long hindered the successful establishment of diversity and inclusion in United States college sports. These issues are underpinned…

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Journal of Philanthropy and Marketing

How Do Foundations Support (Anti-)Racism? A Critical Race Theory Perspective on Philanthropy and Racial Equity

Introduction This article examines how philanthropic foundations responded in the months following the 2020 killing of George Floyd and Black Lives Matter (BLM) protests through a Critical Race Theory (CRT) lens. The findings provide perspective on a select group of  foundations’ communications on racial equity amidst recent BLM events along with their purported commitments to…

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