

Journal of Deliberative Democracy

Affinity Groups, Enclave Deliberation, and Equity

Introduction This study is about the usefulness of enclaves or affinity groups, in public forums and political processes. Specifically, the authors focus on the value of enclaves of people with “similarly marginalized perspectives or social locations” as opposed to shared racial or ethnic identities. While the authors acknowledge these categorizations can often overlap, they believe…

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Public Personnel Management

Is Diversity Management Sufficient? Organizational Inclusion to Further Performance

Introduction In recent years, public organizations in the United States have increasingly recognized the importance of hiring a diverse workforce that reflects the demographics of the country. Along with this trend, these organizations have also focused  on diversity management policies, which include flexible work options, mentoring for individuals from underrepresented populations, and regulations that promote…

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Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

3 Principles for an Antiracist, Equitable State Response to COVID-19 — and a Stronger Recovery

Introduction From hospitalizations to mortality rates, Black, Latine, and Indigenous populations were disproportionately affected by Covid-19.  These disparities reflect several other systemic inequities, such as the racial wealth gap, inadequate access to healthcare, and racial discrimination in the labor market. These inequities are rooted in historical practices and policies that excluded racially minoritized populations, especially…

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Human Resource Management

Beyond Diversity Training: A Social Infusion for Cultural Inclusion

Introduction Chavez and Weisinger introduce an alternative approach to traditional diversity programs and aim to stimulate new interventions among human resources scholars and practitioners. Their study responds to extant academic literature highlighting the shortcomings and failures of traditional diversity programs, which are widely and consistently implemented across the vast majority of large American companies. Despite…

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Journal of Black Studies

The New "New Racism" Thesis: Limited Government Values and Race-Conscious Policy Attitudes

Introduction This study responds to the public debate on why some white people oppose large-scale government programs. Several researchers argue that “old racism” may influence some white Americans’ policy attitudes. This theory holds that some white people oppose race-conscious policy, or any policy explicitly intended to benefit Black people because they perceive Black people to…

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Administration in Social Work

Addressing Racism in the Organization: The Role of White Racial Affinity Groups in Creating Change

Introduction The authors of this study examine the role of racial affinity groups or caucuses in understanding institutional racism and transforming an institution towards antiracism and racial equity. They trace the development, execution, and operation of a white antiracism caucus that was facilitated by the two authors at a social service agency. They found that…

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