Doing Race in Different Places: Black Racial Cohesion on Black and White College Campuses
Introduction This study focuses on the Black student experience at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) compared to Predominantly White Institutions (PWIs) with an emphasis on feelings of racial cohesion and/or dissonance with one’s racial community. For the purposes of this paper, racial cohesion refers to how one’s racial identity affects one’s desire to engage,…
Read MoreThe Self‑assessment for Modification of Anti‑Racism Tool (SMART): Addressing Structural Racism in Community Behavioral Health
Introduction Since the tragic murders of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor, many healthcare organizations have created initiatives to promote anti-racism; these initiatives have ranged from organizational anti-racism statements to Black Lives Matters lanyards to the development of numerous anti-racism taskforces. In this research article, the authors seek to move beyond these more symbolic forms of…
Read MoreHow Structural Racism Works — Racist Policies as a Root Cause of U.S. Racial Health Inequities
Introduction The Black Lives Matter movement has put the spotlight on the costly impact of racism on Black lives and led to a growing recognition that racism has a structural basis and is embedded in long-standing social policy. Racism is not ahistorical and neither are U.S. health care and public health institutions and practices. Drs.…
Read MoreImplicit Organizational Bias: Mental Health Treatment Culture and Norms as Barriers to Engaging with Diversity
Introduction BIPOC communities face many structural barriers to accessing mental health care. To reduce this health disparity and better serve multicultural populations, many providers are turning to person-centered care. Person-centered care is intended to improve quality of care by centering the patient’s values, preferences, and goals in collaboratively designed care plans. Although this approach has…
Read MoreAppropriated Racial Oppression: Implications for Mental Health in Whites and Blacks
Introduction Scholarship has examined many forms of racism, but research on how racism impacts individuals’ everyday experiences is still developing. Some scholars have studied how racism can be internalized by members of oppressed groups. For example, psychologists Kenneth and Mamie Clark’s famous experiment presenting Black children with Black and white dolls continues to be referenced…
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