
Training & Evaluation

The field of racial equity offers opportunities for training and workshops. What evidence is there on the effectiveness of these interventions? What frameworks exist to measure success in this space and how is success defined?  How is the effectiveness of antiracist training and organizational transformation measured and in methods that disrupt white supremacy culture and engage community members and stakeholders?How do institutions and organizations measure their interventions and what methods of accountability exist in these settings? What is the evidence for these frameworks, if any?

Whiteness and Education

Can antiracism training improve outgroup liking and allyship behaviors?

Introduction Scholars note that allies play a significant role in undermining and dismantling systemic barriers, with research showing that effective allyship can lead to significant reductions in racial bias. The authors purport that allyship requires a commitment to social justice, the establishment of genuine relationships with those from other identity groups, and a dedication to…

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Equality and Human Rights Commission

Unconscious Bias Training: An assessment of the evidence for effectiveness

Introduction Unconscious bias training: An assessment of the evidence for effectiveness by Doyin Atewologun, et al. is a literature review and meta-analysis of studies that examines the evidence for the effectiveness of unconscious bias  training programs in actually reducing unconscious bias in individuals and organizations. The authors first define unconscious bias as the automatic and…

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Leadership and Policy in Schools

Increasing School Leader Diversity in a Social Justice Context: Revisiting Strategies for Leadership Preparation Programs

Introduction Given the recent increase in racial diversity of the US university student population, it is critical now more than ever educators and administrators must be equipped to meet the challenges and demands associated with effectively teaching students of all racial, Indigenous, and ethnic identities. As such, racially diverse leaders are crucial in all environments,…

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Personnel Review

Organizational Diversity Learning Framework: Going Beyond Diversity Training Programs

Introduction This conceptual paper by Fujimoto and Härtel provides an overview of the shortcomings of traditional diversity training and proposes a set of criteria that allow for true diversity learning in the workplace. These criteria make up a framework devised by the authors that aims to allow staff of all backgrounds (both personal and professional)…

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Professional Development in Education

Antiracist school leadership: making ‘race’ count in leadership preparation and development

Introduction Schools around the world have started to grapple more acutely with racism due to the changing needs of an increasingly racially diverse and integrated student population, as well as in response to  urgent calls for educational reform. These calls particularly urge educational reforms that include  to  developing and growing an antiracist curriculum and trainings.…

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Human Resource Management

Beyond Diversity Training: A Social Infusion for Cultural Inclusion

Introduction Chavez and Weisinger introduce an alternative approach to traditional diversity programs and aim to stimulate new interventions among human resources scholars and practitioners. Their study responds to extant academic literature highlighting the shortcomings and failures of traditional diversity programs, which are widely and consistently implemented across the vast majority of large American companies. Despite…

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American Journal of Evaluation

What’s Race Got to Do With It? Equity and Philanthropic Evaluation Practice

Introduction This study examines a recent upward trend in the number of foundations embracing racial equity as a core value. It identifies  philanthropic evaluation, a practice that has yet to embrace this core value. The author, Jara Dean-Coffey, explores how race and racism have affected philanthropic evaluation practices and contends that these practices may inadvertently…

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American Educational Research Journal

Moving Beyond A Culture of Niceness in Faculty Hiring to Advance Racial Equity

Introduction Many White-serving educational institutions focus on colorblind or race neutral policies to advance racial equity in faculty hiring. This approach has led to inequitable hiring practices and a lack of racially minoritized faculty. This study aims to interrogate how professors can rethink their organizational culture to advance racial equity in the hiring process. The…

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Implementation Research and Practice

Application of an antiracism lens in the field of implementation science (IS): Recommendations for reframing implementation research with a focus on justice and racial equity

Introduction Over the last several years, the field of implementation science (IS) has become an increasingly popular framework for policymakers to translate evidence-based interventions (EBIs) into routine, real-world practices. IS is most salient in health settings, as it is primarily used with the objective of improving the quality and effectiveness of healthcare services. Despite the…

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Journal of Organizational Behavior Management

Encouraging Multiculturalism and Diversity within Organizational Behavior Management

In order for the field of Organizational Behavior Management to help lead on racial equity change, it must first prioritize becoming more racially inclusive and equitable itself. Introduction With the growing prominence of the Black Lives Matter Movement, many organizations, no matter the type, have increased their commitments to racial equity in the last several…

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