


Does Culturally Relevant Teaching Work? An Examination From Student Perspectives

DEFINITIONS Introduction Education scholars propose that culturally relevant teaching is beneficial to student learning and development. Academic research has shown that students have better academic outcomes and are more engaged in their communities when teachers incorporate race and social justice concepts into their curricula. The research that provided the groundwork for these findings regarding culturally…

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Current Directions in Psychological Science

Making Advantaged Racial Groups Care About Inequality: Intergroup Contact as a Route to Psychological Investment

Introduction Members of advantaged racial groups have historically denied or minimized the existence of racial inequality in the United States and other countries. Existing research has extensively analyzed the incentives and motivations behind why advantaged racial groups resist acknowledging the existence or scale of racial inequality. Some of those motivations include fear of losing privileged…

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Race Ethnicity and Education

Building the Anti-racist University, action and new agendas

Introduction Dr. Ian Law, founding director of the Centre for Ethnicity and Racism Studies (CERS) at the University of Leeds, reviews twenty years of scholarship and initiatives by the Centre related to racism and higher education in the UK. Founded in 1998, CERS produces policy-relevant research that seeks to dismantle racism. In the 1990s, the…

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Journal of Experimental Social Psychology

Failure is not an option for Black women: Effects of organizational performance on leaders with single versus dual-subordinate identities

Introduction In 2009, the number of Black women leading Fortune 500 companies was one. Today, that number is zero, even as the number of Fortune 500 female CEOs hit an all-time record of thirty-seven this year. How are we to contend with this seeming contradiction?  Dr. Ashleigh Shelby Rosette, Associate Professor of Management and Organizations…

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