

Equality and Human Rights Commission

Unconscious Bias Training: An assessment of the evidence for effectiveness

Introduction Unconscious bias training: An assessment of the evidence for effectiveness by Doyin Atewologun, et al. is a literature review and meta-analysis of studies that examines the evidence for the effectiveness of unconscious bias  training programs in actually reducing unconscious bias in individuals and organizations. The authors first define unconscious bias as the automatic and…

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Personnel Review

Organizational Diversity Learning Framework: Going Beyond Diversity Training Programs

Introduction This conceptual paper by Fujimoto and Härtel provides an overview of the shortcomings of traditional diversity training and proposes a set of criteria that allow for true diversity learning in the workplace. These criteria make up a framework devised by the authors that aims to allow staff of all backgrounds (both personal and professional)…

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Contemporary Justice Review

Can Restorative Justice Disrupt the ‘School-to-Prison Pipeline?’

Introduction More than ever before, punitive disciplinary practices in educational settings are coming under increasingly fierce scrutiny. Practices like suspension and expulsion have disproportionately affected  students from marginalized and minoritized backgrounds, particularly those in poor and under-resourced communities. Not only have these types of zero-tolerance disciplinary policies failed to improve students’ academic achievement, but they…

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Implementation Research and Practice

Application of an antiracism lens in the field of implementation science (IS): Recommendations for reframing implementation research with a focus on justice and racial equity

Introduction Over the last several years, the field of implementation science (IS) has become an increasingly popular framework for policymakers to translate evidence-based interventions (EBIs) into routine, real-world practices. IS is most salient in health settings, as it is primarily used with the objective of improving the quality and effectiveness of healthcare services. Despite the…

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American Journal of Evaluation

Can Social Justice Live in a House of Structural Racism? A Question for the Field of Evaluation

Introduction The professional field of evaluation plays an integral role in creating the results, measurements, and evidence that guide the worldviews and decisions of businesses, educational institutions, philanthropies, public health agencies, and governments. Given this influence, it is paramount for evaluators to understand the practice of evaluation as a tool to reinforce and enable or…

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Journal for Nonprofit Management

Beyond Diversity and Multiculturalism: Towards the Development of Anti-Racist Institutions and Leaders

Introduction The Jewish Board of Family and Children’s Services employed approximately 3,400 individuals to provide housing, mental health, and other services to low-income members of the Jewish community. As the organization’s community grew increasingly diverse, it needed to embrace multiculturalism as a way to better serve its community. That process underwent numerous phases, each of…

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