
workplace diversity

Harvard Business School Technology & Operations Mgt. Unit Working Papers

Differentiating on Diversity: How Disclosing Workforce Diversity Improves Brand Attitudes

An investigation of whether or not firm diversity disclosures help their customers’ perceptions of the firm. Introduction In this study,  researchers investigate the impact of disclosing and not disclosing workforce diversity on consumer perceptions, which  is particularly relevant in the current socio-political climate, as companies were increasingly expected to demonstrate their commitment to diversity, equity,…

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Harvard Kennedy School Faculty Research Working Paper Series

Asymmetric Peer Effects at Work: The Effect of White Coworkers on Black Women’s Careers

Understanding the negative peer effects of white coworkers on Black women. Introduction Studies aiming to understand the under-representation of people of color in high-earning positions typically focus on factors existing before hiring, like biases in the hiring process or pipeline problems. This paper highlights that while hiring is essential to increase diversity, promotion and retention…

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