
Institutional Change and Accountability

Combating structural racism requires an organizational approach and institutional policy lens. How are organizations defining racial equity or antiracism in their sectors? What exemplary successes and challenges exist in these thematic areas?

Journal of Diversity in Higher Education

Doing Race in Different Places: Black Racial Cohesion on Black and White College Campuses

Introduction This study focuses on the Black student experience at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) compared to Predominantly White Institutions (PWIs) with an emphasis on feelings of racial cohesion and/or dissonance with one’s racial community. For the purposes of this paper, racial cohesion refers to how one’s racial identity affects one’s desire to engage,…

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Harvard Kennedy School Faculty Research Working Paper Series

Asymmetric Peer Effects at Work: The Effect of White Coworkers on Black Women’s Careers

Understanding the negative peer effects of white coworkers on Black women. Introduction Studies aiming to understand the under-representation of people of color in high-earning positions typically focus on factors existing before hiring, like biases in the hiring process or pipeline problems. This paper highlights that while hiring is essential to increase diversity, promotion and retention…

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Journal of Deliberative Democracy

Affinity Groups, Enclave Deliberation, and Equity

Introduction This study is about the usefulness of enclaves or affinity groups, in public forums and political processes. Specifically, the authors focus on the value of enclaves of people with “similarly marginalized perspectives or social locations” as opposed to shared racial or ethnic identities. While the authors acknowledge these categorizations can often overlap, they believe…

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Frontiers in Sociology

A Call for Culturally Responsive Transformational Leadership in College Sport: An Anti-Ism Approach for Achieving Equity and Inclusion

As college sports associations like the NCAA reckon with decades of white male dominance, scholars analyze literature in gender, race, and sports leadership to imagine a path forward.  Introduction Pervasive issues of inequities, inequalities, and discrimination have long hindered the successful establishment of diversity and inclusion in United States college sports. These issues are underpinned…

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Journal of Philanthropy and Marketing

How Do Foundations Support (Anti-)Racism? A Critical Race Theory Perspective on Philanthropy and Racial Equity

Introduction This article examines how philanthropic foundations responded in the months following the 2020 killing of George Floyd and Black Lives Matter (BLM) protests through a Critical Race Theory (CRT) lens. The findings provide perspective on a select group of  foundations’ communications on racial equity amidst recent BLM events along with their purported commitments to…

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Teachers College Record: The Voice of Scholarship in Education

Leadership With and for Undocumented and Unaccompanied Minor Students: Resiliency, Resistance, and School Change for Racial Equity

Introduction Many undocumented and documented youth, especially those from low socioeconomic backgrounds, face significant barriers to educational opportunities due in part to racism and other intersecting systems of oppression. In this article, the authors conduct a literature review on educational practices for immigrant youth. Both authors work in the Urbana School District 116 (USD116) and…

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Race Ethnicity and Education

Applied Critical Race Theory: Educational Leadership Actions for Student Equity

Introduction Recent education research literature shows that a ‘new racism’ has emerged in elementary and secondary schools. This ‘new racism’ adopts a deficit mindset that blames students and parents of color for educational inequities instead of institutional barriers. Using Critical Race Theory (CRT) as a framework, the authors present the case study of a middle…

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Equity & Excellence in Education

Tracking Detracking: Sorting Through the Dilemmas and Possibilities of Detracking in Practice

Introduction Grouping students in schools based on perception of their potential or academic ability, known as tracking, has been critiqued by educators for exacerbating educational inequities along race and class lines. Detracking attempts to remedy the negative effects of this widely-used practice in the U.S. by placing students in mixed-ability classes. In this article, the…

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Journal of School Leadership

I’m Every Woman: Advancing the Intersectional Leadership of Black Women School Leaders as Anti-Racist Praxis

Introduction Black women have faced unique challenges in educational leadership due to systemic racism and sexism; their roles and contributions in this space have often been minimized and overlooked for decades. This paper illuminates the leadership roles of Black women in educational settings by focusing on the historical actions of Black educational leaders, their epistemological…

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Learning Communities Research and Practice

Learning Communities: Opportunities for the Retention of Faculty of Color

Introduction Only 20% of full-time faculty in American higher education are faculty of color (FOC). Given the growing population of underrepresented minority (URM students), the slow growth of full-time faculty of color in academia is a concern. However, when faculty of color are hired, they often find themselves acquiring additional responsibilities, such as serving as…

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