
Not for Profit

Journal of Philanthropy and Marketing

How Do Foundations Support (Anti-)Racism? A Critical Race Theory Perspective on Philanthropy and Racial Equity

Introduction This article examines how philanthropic foundations responded in the months following the 2020 killing of George Floyd and Black Lives Matter (BLM) protests through a Critical Race Theory (CRT) lens. The findings provide perspective on a select group of  foundations’ communications on racial equity amidst recent BLM events along with their purported commitments to…

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Revista de Turismo Contemporâneo / Journal of Contemporary Tourism

Afroempreendedorismo no turismo, desigualdade racial e fortalecimento da identidade negra / Afro-entrepreneurship in tourism, racial inequality and strengthening of Black identity

Introduction Afro-entrepreneurship is a growing field of practice and focus of research. Yet, researchers themselves vary on their perspectives of this term, and its related meaning to Black-owned companies or Black entrepreneurship. Dr. Natália Araújo de Oliveira, the author of the article, frames the discussion of these topics around the business engagement in Brazil with…

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Human Resource Management

Beyond Diversity Training: A Social Infusion for Cultural Inclusion

Introduction Chavez and Weisinger introduce an alternative approach to traditional diversity programs and aim to stimulate new interventions among human resources scholars and practitioners. Their study responds to extant academic literature highlighting the shortcomings and failures of traditional diversity programs, which are widely and consistently implemented across the vast majority of large American companies. Despite…

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Journal of Organizational Behavior

Implementation teams: A new lever for organizational change

Introduction Higgins, Weiner, and Young define a specific organizational body they refer to as an “implementation team.” This team is charged with designing and leading an organization-wide change strategy. Implementation teams are critical for all organizations aiming to achieve full-scale strategic changes. They are most beneficial in organizational contexts where change is frequently stymied, decisions…

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Journal of Organizational Behavior Management

Encouraging Multiculturalism and Diversity within Organizational Behavior Management

In order for the field of Organizational Behavior Management to help lead on racial equity change, it must first prioritize becoming more racially inclusive and equitable itself. Introduction With the growing prominence of the Black Lives Matter Movement, many organizations, no matter the type, have increased their commitments to racial equity in the last several…

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Journal of Business Ethics

The Influence of Board Diversity, Board Diversity Policies and Practices, and Board Inclusion Behaviors on Nonprofit Governance Practices

Introduction By 2039, a majority of the U.S. workforce will identify as members of nonwhite race-based minoritized groups. Yet, despite this growing workplace diversity, these demographic shifts have not yet been reflected in the makeup of either for-profit or nonprofit boards. One study in 2013 found that across all Fortune 500 companies, board members were…

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The Foundation Review

Holding Foundations Accountable for Equity Commitments

Introduction In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and a surge of attention to pervasive racial injustice in the United States, many areas of philanthropy made public commitments to promote racial equity and social justice. Many foundations, both large and small, committed publicly to shifting the foundation-nonprofit relationship to be more trust-based and reciprocal. Additionally,…

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Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America

The Mixed Effects of Online Diversity Training

Introduction One-time diversity training is a common tool deployed by more than half of mid-size and large organizations seeking to promote equality in the workplace. However, the existing body of research on the effectiveness of diversity training is limited by a lack of field experiments and the difficulty of identifying and measuring objective behavioral outcomes.…

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Stanford Social Innovation Review

The Bias of ‘Professionalism’ Standards

Introduction In the midst of widescale evidence of natural-hair discrimination in the workplace and in schools, some states, in 2019, began to outlaw this form of discrimination. There is the story of the Black student who was told to cut his hair or he would not be allowed to graduate, and another of a Black woman who had her…

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Race to Lead Revisited: Obstacles and Opportunities in Addressing the Nonprofit Racial Leadership Gap

Although the nonprofit sector is recognizing its own need for greater diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), the implementation of DEI strategies generally stops at the interpersonal level and few nonprofits have addressed the structures and systems that keep these racialized barriers in place. Introduction Four years ago, the Building Movement Project (BMP) studied the racial…

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