
Media, Communications, and Technology

How does the digital landscape contribute to or combat racism? What evidence exists to define the role that media and journalism play in promoting or advancing antiracist values and racial equity?  For example, what does the research on algorithms for hiring and predictive policing tell us about structural racism?

Critical Studies in Media Communication

“Coming to Terms with our Own Racism”: Journalists Grapple with the Racialization of their News

Introduction Despite the various achievements of the Civil Rights Movement, the media has played a key role in perpetuating negative and stereotypical perceptions of communities of color. Through its growing political and social influence on American society, the nation’s large media institutions have attained the ability to determine the specific issues that the average American discusses.…

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American Educational Research Journal

Stories Untold: Counter-Narratives to Anti-Blackness and Deficit-Oriented Discourse Concerning HBCUs

Introduction Despite the wide ranging accomplishments earned by historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs), narratives regarding HBCUs often use deficit-oriented framing that erase their achievements. This context of pervasive institutional anti-blackness is rooted in the historical marginalization of HBCUs that continues to reinforce itself through less favorable depictions of HBCUs in the media and ultimately…

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Assessing risk, automating racism

Introduction This article addresses the growing public concern regarding the automation of racial discrimination through digital tools and technology. Throughout the paper, the author, Dr. Ruha Benjamin, focuses her discussion on a notable publication by Obermeyer et al. entitled, “Dissecting racial bias in an algorithm used to manage the health of populations.” Unlike most researchers who…

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