

The International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

Understanding Healthcare Students’ Experiences of Racial Bias: A Narrative Review of the Role of Implicit Bias and Potential Interventions in Educational Settings

An overview of implicit racial bias in medical education. Introduction The field of research studying implicit racial bias in the healthcare and medical sectors is continuing to grow. While there is significant research examining implicit bias among healthcare professionals, the field has yet to produce many studies focusing on the specific effects on medical students…

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Professional Development in Education

Antiracist school leadership: making ‘race’ count in leadership preparation and development

Introduction Schools around the world have started to grapple more acutely with racism due to the changing needs of an increasingly racially diverse and integrated student population, as well as in response to  urgent calls for educational reform. These calls particularly urge educational reforms that include  to  developing and growing an antiracist curriculum and trainings.…

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Journal of Business Ethics

From Diversity to Inclusion to Equity: A Theory of Generative Interactions

Definitions Introduction Research has demonstrated that investments in diversity and inclusion efforts implemented by organizations throughout the United States have not effectively improved institutional racial equity or reduced staff and leader racial biases. This paper by Bernstein, Bulger, Salipante, and Weisinger identifies organizational practices that promote generative interactions and successfully advance institutional racial inclusion and…

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Contemporary Justice Review

Can Restorative Justice Disrupt the ‘School-to-Prison Pipeline?’

Introduction More than ever before, punitive disciplinary practices in educational settings are coming under increasingly fierce scrutiny. Practices like suspension and expulsion have disproportionately affected  students from marginalized and minoritized backgrounds, particularly those in poor and under-resourced communities. Not only have these types of zero-tolerance disciplinary policies failed to improve students’ academic achievement, but they…

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Journal of Diversity in Higher Education

Organizational Change and the Chief Diversity Officer: A Case Study of Institutionalizing a Diversity Plan

Introduction The benefits of diversity in educational environments are well documented – diversity in the classroom helps to prepare students to live in a global world, enhance civic engagement, and reduce racism. On the other hand, there has been little research conducted on how educational institutions can achieve such diversity. Specifically, the impact of diversity…

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The Review of Higher Education

Bait and Switch: Representation, Climate, and Tensions of Diversity Work in Graduate Education

Introduction Historically, students who are admitted to and matriculate from graduate programs do not reflect the racial diversity of the US population at large. Most American graduate programs are comprised predominantly of white students while Black, Indigenous, and students of color make up a much smaller relative percentage. This is especially true for programs in…

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Journal of Educational Administration

Leading through a Critical Lens: The Application of DisCrit in Framing, Implementing and Improving Equity Driven, Educational Systems for All Students

Introduction This conceptual paper by Kozleski, Stepaniuk, and Proffitt centers around the application of DisCrit in education systems. DisCrit is a theoretical framework that examines the interconnected relationship of racism and ableism. DisCrit is studied to better understand oppressive systems and practices that perpetuate racism and ableism while simultaneously providing insights and tools to learn…

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Sociology of Race and Ethnicity

Racial Disparities in Student Debt and the Reproduction of the Fragile Black Middle Class

Introduction In the US, a college degree is a prerequisite for access to many middle-class and high-paying jobs. Yet, the social and economic payoff of a college degree is racialized, as evidenced by the highest economic disparities across races existing within the college-educated middle class. Relatedly, a growing body of research recognizes that the burdens…

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American Educational Research Journal

The Impact of Accountability on Racial and Socioeconomic Equity: Considering Both School Resources and Achievement Outcomes

Introduction The 1990’s was a watershed moment in American education reform. Prior to the start of the decade, in 1983, the newly formed National Commission on Excellence in Education produced a scathing 52-page report titled ​A Nation at Risk t​hat charged American education with mediocrity and lack of international competitiveness. If ​A Nation at Risk w​as a report card,…

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School of Hotel Administration Collection

A Meta-Analytical Integration of Over 40 Years of Research on Diversity Training Evaluation

Introduction Across the United States, there has been a significant increase in demand for diversity training. These training programs have grown in both their importance and accessibility as the United States continues to experience various demographic, economic, and social changes. Many of these trainings are intended to reduce prejudice and discrimination within an organization and…

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