Transforming the future of quantitative educational research: a systematic review of enacting quantCrit
Introduction The s͏tudy examines ho͏w pr͏i͏ncip͏les ͏from a ͏critical the͏o͏re͏ti͏cal framew͏ork can ͏be͏ int͏egra͏ted with ͏q͏uantitative rese͏arch ͏m͏ethods ͏to ͏cha͏llenge tr͏adit͏i͏ona͏l norms i͏n ed͏ucational da͏ta analy͏sis.͏ It ͏focu͏s͏es on add͏ress͏i͏ng racial inequ͏ities in͏ education by investigating how͏ numbers, ͏which ͏are͏ ofte͏n perceive͏d as n͏eu͏tral, ca͏n instead͏ perpetu͏ate biases. Th͏e study revi͏ews͏ m͏ultiple empiri͏cal papers to…
Read MoreBlack Lives Matter: Moving from passion to action in academic medical institutions
Introduction For Americans, the murder of George Floyd marked 2020 as the year of the “racial awakening” in the United States. Largely led by the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement, protests and calls for racial justice spread across the country and inevitably reached medical institutions too. In collaboration with White Coats for Black Lives—a national…
Read MoreImplementing Anti-Racism Interventions in Healthcare Settings: A Scoping Review
Introduction Racism in healthcare settings is a persistent and complex problem for both healthcare delivery and access to health services. Over the past decade, several publications demonstrate the experiences of racism faced by minoritized patients such as the enduring racist assumptions about pain tolerance of Black people, the low propensity for screening Black women for…
Read MoreAssociation Between Racial Wealth Inequities and Racial Disparities in Longevity Among US Adults and Role of Reparations Payments, 1992 to 2018
Introduction This cohort study aims to identify, address and quantify the relationship between longevity ( “all cause mortality”) and wealth as it relates to Black individuals versus white individuals. Furthermore, the study then models how reparations payments to the black community could potentially affect the longevity ( “all cause mortality”) gap between Blacks and whites.…
Read MoreTeaching Race at Historically White Colleges and Universities: Identifying and Dismantling the Walls of Whiteness
Introduction Many white students enter postsecondary education fortified by “walls of whiteness,” or manifestations of racial privilege that shield white students from challenges to white supremacist assumptions about racial disparities and inequality. Those assumptions are reinforced in historically white colleges and universities that are predominately staffed by white male faculty and primarily attended by middle-…
Read MoreThe Mixed Effects of Online Diversity Training
Introduction One-time diversity training is a common tool deployed by more than half of mid-size and large organizations seeking to promote equality in the workplace. However, the existing body of research on the effectiveness of diversity training is limited by a lack of field experiments and the difficulty of identifying and measuring objective behavioral outcomes.…
Read MoreThe ecological and evolutionary consequences of systemic racism in urban environments
Introduction Cities are important ecosystems shaped by dynamic and interdependent biological, physical and social influences. However, Schell et al. note that few studies link research on urban ecological and evolutionary studies to that of social inequality. They argue it is integral to integrate these disciplines as human-created systems of power create uneven impacts on non-human…
Read MoreThe Impact of Accountability on Racial and Socioeconomic Equity: Considering Both School Resources and Achievement Outcomes
Introduction The 1990’s was a watershed moment in American education reform. Prior to the start of the decade, in 1983, the newly formed National Commission on Excellence in Education produced a scathing 52-page report titled A Nation at Risk that charged American education with mediocrity and lack of international competitiveness. If A Nation at Risk was a report card,…
Read MoreRacial Equity: Getting to Results
Introduction Throughout the history of the United States, government institutions at the local, state, and federal role have played a key role in designing and implementing policies that created and sustained racial inequities. These policies and practices have contributed to the chronic inequality of opportunity and outcomes that continue to adversely impact communities of color.…
Read MoreAddressing Racism in the Organization: The Role of White Racial Affinity Groups in Creating Change
Introduction The authors of this study examine the role of racial affinity groups or caucuses in understanding institutional racism and transforming an institution towards antiracism and racial equity. They trace the development, execution, and operation of a white antiracism caucus that was facilitated by the two authors at a social service agency. They found that…
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