Making ‘Good Trouble’: Time for Organized Medicine to Call for Racial Justice in Medical Education and Health Care
Introduction The article acknowledges the history of racism in medicine, including how medicine centers and normalizes white dominance over people of color in our society. The authors argue that medical doctors, educators, and other leaders must recognize this inevitable truth to actively engage in making organized medicine antiracist. David A. Acosta is the Chief Diversity…
Read MoreLeading through a Critical Lens: The Application of DisCrit in Framing, Implementing and Improving Equity Driven, Educational Systems for All Students
Introduction This conceptual paper by Kozleski, Stepaniuk, and Proffitt centers around the application of DisCrit in education systems. DisCrit is a theoretical framework that examines the interconnected relationship of racism and ableism. DisCrit is studied to better understand oppressive systems and practices that perpetuate racism and ableism while simultaneously providing insights and tools to learn…
Read MoreRacialized Sexism/Sexualized Racism: A Multimethod Study of Intersectional Experiences of Discrimination for Asian American Women
Introduction Dr. Mukkamala and Dr. Suyemoto study the intersectional experiences of Asian American women that result from intertwined systems of disadvantage across both race and gender. Originally coined by Professor Kimberlé Crenshaw, the term ‘intersectionality’ offers “a prism to see the interactive effects of various forms of discrimination” (Crenshaw, 2018). The intersectional approach to this…
Read MoreThe persistent effect of race and the promise of alternatives to suspension in school discipline outcomes
Introduction School discipline policies and practices disproportionately affect Black students, who are more likely to be suspended or expelled compared to their white peers. Studies have shown that these disciplinary disparities are linked to levels of racial bias, and reflect disproportionate use of such practices on Black students. Black students are then differentially processed for…
Read MoreBuilding the Anti-racist University, action and new agendas
Introduction Dr. Ian Law, founding director of the Centre for Ethnicity and Racism Studies (CERS) at the University of Leeds, reviews twenty years of scholarship and initiatives by the Centre related to racism and higher education in the UK. Founded in 1998, CERS produces policy-relevant research that seeks to dismantle racism. In the 1990s, the…
Read More“Coming to Terms with our Own Racism”: Journalists Grapple with the Racialization of their News
Introduction Despite the various achievements of the Civil Rights Movement, the media has played a key role in perpetuating negative and stereotypical perceptions of communities of color. Through its growing political and social influence on American society, the nation’s large media institutions have attained the ability to determine the specific issues that the average American discusses.…
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