

Harvard Kennedy School Faculty Research Working Paper Series

Asymmetric Peer Effects at Work: The Effect of White Coworkers on Black Women’s Careers

Understanding the negative peer effects of white coworkers on Black women. Introduction Studies aiming to understand the under-representation of people of color in high-earning positions typically focus on factors existing before hiring, like biases in the hiring process or pipeline problems. This paper highlights that while hiring is essential to increase diversity, promotion and retention…

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Journal of Business Ethics

From Diversity to Inclusion to Equity: A Theory of Generative Interactions

Definitions Introduction Research has demonstrated that investments in diversity and inclusion efforts implemented by organizations throughout the United States have not effectively improved institutional racial equity or reduced staff and leader racial biases. This paper by Bernstein, Bulger, Salipante, and Weisinger identifies organizational practices that promote generative interactions and successfully advance institutional racial inclusion and…

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Inc. Magazine

How to Lead Your Company as a True Ally

Introduction When Carter G. Woodson, the Black historian refered to as the Father of Black History, launched Negro History Week in 1926, he understood that the celebration of African American history and scholarship could not just be a one-week act. Instead, he insisted that the goal should be “studying the Negro throughout the school year,…

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Work, Employment and Society

Pointless Diversity Training: Unconscious Bias, New Racism and Agency

Introduction Unconscious bias training is based on the methodology in social psychology that an individual’s response time when presented with 2 images reveals how closely the viewer unconsciously connects the two. By using two sets of images — one of people with different racial/ethic backgrounds and one of negative or positive attributes, prior researchers have…

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