

Journal of Experimental Social Psychology

Failure is not an option for Black women: Effects of organizational performance on leaders with single versus dual-subordinate identities

Introduction In 2009, the number of Black women leading Fortune 500 companies was one. Today, that number is zero, even as the number of Fortune 500 female CEOs hit an all-time record of thirty-seven this year. How are we to contend with this seeming contradiction?  Dr. Ashleigh Shelby Rosette, Associate Professor of Management and Organizations…

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Work, Employment and Society

Pointless Diversity Training: Unconscious Bias, New Racism and Agency

Introduction Unconscious bias training is based on the methodology in social psychology that an individual’s response time when presented with 2 images reveals how closely the viewer unconsciously connects the two. By using two sets of images — one of people with different racial/ethic backgrounds and one of negative or positive attributes, prior researchers have…

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Journal of Experimental Psychology: General

Reducing Implicit Racial Preferences: II. Intervention Effectiveness Across Time

Introduction Recent research on implicit social cognition suggests that implicit associations may be malleable to change. However, the majority of studies on modifying implicit associations only evaluate short term results, with only 3.7% of these 585 studies attempting to look at longer-term change. Of these 22 studies, roughly the same number of publications showed lasting…

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