Doing Race in Different Places: Black Racial Cohesion on Black and White College Campuses
Introduction This study focuses on the Black student experience at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) compared to Predominantly White Institutions (PWIs) with an emphasis on feelings of racial cohesion and/or dissonance with one’s racial community. For the purposes of this paper, racial cohesion refers to how one’s racial identity affects one’s desire to engage,…
Read MoreAccepting educational responsibility for whiteness in academic advising: moving towards anti-racist advising practices
Introduction As a front-line resource for students, academic advising plays an essential role in student success at universities and can be a determinant of success at the beginning of a student’s career. This study investigates whiteness (in the form of ideologies, behaviors, attitudes, and attributes) as a pervasive presence in academic advising that deeply disadvantages…
Read MoreOrganizational Change Management for Health Equity: Perspectives from the Disparities Leadership Program
Introduction This study seeks to understand the best ways to address racial and ethnic disparities within healthcare institutions, with a particular focus on organization management. The study draws upon learnings from the Disparities Solution Center at Massachusetts General Hospital and specifically references data produced from the Disparities Leadership Program (DLP) that began in 2007. The…
Read MoreImplementing Anti-Racism Interventions in Healthcare Settings: A Scoping Review
Introduction Racism in healthcare settings is a persistent and complex problem for both healthcare delivery and access to health services. Over the past decade, several publications demonstrate the experiences of racism faced by minoritized patients such as the enduring racist assumptions about pain tolerance of Black people, the low propensity for screening Black women for…
Read MoreMoving Beyond A Culture of Niceness in Faculty Hiring to Advance Racial Equity
Introduction Many White-serving educational institutions focus on colorblind or race neutral policies to advance racial equity in faculty hiring. This approach has led to inequitable hiring practices and a lack of racially minoritized faculty. This study aims to interrogate how professors can rethink their organizational culture to advance racial equity in the hiring process. The…
Read MorePointless Diversity Training: Unconscious Bias, New Racism and Agency
Introduction Unconscious bias training is based on the methodology in social psychology that an individual’s response time when presented with 2 images reveals how closely the viewer unconsciously connects the two. By using two sets of images — one of people with different racial/ethic backgrounds and one of negative or positive attributes, prior researchers have…
Read MoreReducing Implicit Racial Preferences: II. Intervention Effectiveness Across Time
Introduction Recent research on implicit social cognition suggests that implicit associations may be malleable to change. However, the majority of studies on modifying implicit associations only evaluate short term results, with only 3.7% of these 585 studies attempting to look at longer-term change. Of these 22 studies, roughly the same number of publications showed lasting…
Read MoreMoving Toward Racial Equity: The Undoing Racism Workshop and Organizational Change
Introduction Using a participatory action model, this study assesses the impact of the Undoing RacismTM Workshop (URW) on participants’ attitudes and actions as related to advancing racial equity. The authors examined the impact of the training on participants’ change in knowledge and opinions towards structural racism, involvement in racial equity work at their organizations, and…
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