Internet-Based Cultural Competence Training for White Undergraduate Students at a Predominantly White University
Introduction This article describes a study that assessed the effectiveness of an online training on cultural competency taken by white students at a predominantly white university. There are three dimensions to cultural competence: This study assessed improvement in participants’ cultural competence along with racial colorblindness, white privilege, and skill employment before and after cultural competence…
Read MoreUnconscious Bias Training: An assessment of the evidence for effectiveness
Introduction Unconscious bias training: An assessment of the evidence for effectiveness by Doyin Atewologun, et al. is a literature review and meta-analysis of studies that examines the evidence for the effectiveness of unconscious bias training programs in actually reducing unconscious bias in individuals and organizations. The authors first define unconscious bias as the automatic and…
Read MoreThe Divide Between Diversity Training and Diversity Education: Integrating Best Practices
Introduction Over the last two decades, the fields of diversity training and diversity education have become critical components of organizations and academic settings. Just as organizations develop antiracism policies and employee training, management programs have also expanded their diversity management educational offerings. Diversity training refers to the specialized field devoted to ad hoc training in…
Read MoreHolding Foundations Accountable for Equity Commitments
Introduction In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and a surge of attention to pervasive racial injustice in the United States, many areas of philanthropy made public commitments to promote racial equity and social justice. Many foundations, both large and small, committed publicly to shifting the foundation-nonprofit relationship to be more trust-based and reciprocal. Additionally,…
Read MoreThe Mixed Effects of Online Diversity Training
Introduction One-time diversity training is a common tool deployed by more than half of mid-size and large organizations seeking to promote equality in the workplace. However, the existing body of research on the effectiveness of diversity training is limited by a lack of field experiments and the difficulty of identifying and measuring objective behavioral outcomes.…
Read MorePointless Diversity Training: Unconscious Bias, New Racism and Agency
Introduction Unconscious bias training is based on the methodology in social psychology that an individual’s response time when presented with 2 images reveals how closely the viewer unconsciously connects the two. By using two sets of images — one of people with different racial/ethic backgrounds and one of negative or positive attributes, prior researchers have…
Read MoreReducing Implicit Racial Preferences: II. Intervention Effectiveness Across Time
Introduction Recent research on implicit social cognition suggests that implicit associations may be malleable to change. However, the majority of studies on modifying implicit associations only evaluate short term results, with only 3.7% of these 585 studies attempting to look at longer-term change. Of these 22 studies, roughly the same number of publications showed lasting…
Read MoreTraining for Racial Equity and Inclusion: A Guide to Selected Programs
Introduction This Guide, developed by Dr. Ilana Shapiro, provides a detailed review and comparison of ten antiracism training programs in the United States. It explores why programs do what they do (theory of practice), how they believe their work will lead to positive results (theory of change), why they use certain training methods (pedagogy), and…
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